Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Two Weeks Down

Just some pictures of my favorite person under 24 hours old and her big sister, my favorite almost two-and-a-half year old :-)  Now the post for the day...

Two weeks down. Wow, it feels good to be able to say that. It's comforting that things are starting to get more familiar and less scary. Even things as simple as knowing that I have to turn the doorknob left to get out of my building and that there are lightswitches in my hallway for when I come home and can't see anything are making life a little less stressful over here.

The first week dragged on and felt like it was never going to end, but the second ended up going by decently fast. I'm hoping that the weeks will keep getting faster and more fun as time goes by, routines get established, weekend trips get underway, and visitors start to come. Gina and I were saying the other day that we just can't wait until it's February. I feel like once I don't see "leave for granada" on my iCal (calendar program for Mac that I'm already addicted to) I'll feel a lot better and a lot more like I'm making progress in this whole thing. I don't want to wish the time here away, but I'm definitely ready to feel like I've made a significant dent in my stay.

I also forgot to mention that on Sunday night, Betsy and I went out walking around 8:00 because we were both getting the Sunday homesick blues. We ended up walking by Dunkin' Donuts (well, here it's called Dunkin' Coffee, but same thing) and getting donuts. THEY TASTE AMERICAN! We decided it might have to be the place to go when we feel homesick. Just the fact that I can have something here that I can also have in the United States is comforting. 

My goal for today is to figure out the schedule for the group classes at my gym... My friend Kaitlin took a spinning class at her gym and said it was really fun. I want to try!


Patty said...

Isn't Nina beautiful? We are so thankful for her! Congratulations to Arne, Beth and Abbie.
Beth is so thoughtful. When we went to the hospital last night, Beth asked about you first thing. She and Arne said that they check in on your blog everyday.
Hope you are having a great day!

Sue said...

Greetings from one of your (hopefully) favorite 59 1/2 yr olds! I truly believe that most people flourish when they have a routine or some semblance of structure. It sounds like you're getting there. I saw Rita (beauty shop) on Sat. and she was thrilled to hear about your experience. She will be in Ireland in April and plans to "puddle-jump" over to Italy. She is quite the jet-setter! We are loving your blog! Take care! Love, Susie P.S. Nina was born on the anniversary of the Bears' Super Bowl victory in 1986!