Friday, January 23, 2009

CEGRI has a good idea with this whole "no class on Friday" thing... I've done a lot today!

I wasn't feeling well last night so I let myself sleep in until 10:30 today, which was awesome. I went to the gym this morning, too. It's so funny to look at the gyms here-- they are so tiny compared to the ones at home! Also, it's really rare for women to work out. The women here just smoke all day and walk everywhere in stiletto boots to burn off calories :-). But it was really cool! I'm excited because I think a lot of girls from my program who live around me are going to join the gym, too. It'll be nice to be able to work out together and go to group classes and stuff like that. 

After my workout, I went to meet up with Julia and Clarissa at la fuente de Isabel la Católica, which is a big fountain in the middle of Granada. We walked around a little bit from there, stopping by the old Arabic baths and checking out some rebajas (sales). I came home, ate lunch with Rosario (seafood soup!), took a siesta, and then finalized plane tickets with my dad and Matt for their trips! What an awesome pick-me-up! My dad's coming in 26 days and Matt's coming in 57... It will be really nice to have their visits (plus Lauren's) to break up the time. I'm already planning things I want to show them in Granada, too.

I also had a huge pick-me-up when I met up with my friend Gina from ISU. She's studying abroad in Granada this semester, as well, and we got together for churros y chocolate (churros and chocolate!) to catch up and talk about the whole study abroad thing. She's feeling a lot of the same things I am and it was so great to talk to her. 

I got home and Maria had a friend over. I was skyping with my dad when they came in and started joining in on the videochat... It was so cute! I am so lucky God put me in this homestay. Rosario is wonderful and the kids are adorable. The kids are at their dad's this weekend, so it's going to be pretty quiet around the piso!

1 comment:

Gina said...

I LOVED our churros con chocolate date today!!! We really need to make it a point to get together at least once a week!! :)