Wednesday, January 14, 2009

In Granada!

We're heeeeere! The airport connection ended up not being as much of a pain as we had thought it would be. We were all able to get on the next flight and arrived in Granada around 3:15pm. After a very delayed but very entertaining bus ride, we ended up at our hostel. We're in the middle of town in a pretty nice place. It's been fun to explore the city tonight (even if by "explore the city" i mean wander a few blocks). We went to two tapas bars for dinner and drinks. It's really nice because, in AndalucĂ­a, you get a free tapa, or appetizer, when you order a drink. So we had drinks at one bar and ended up having bocadillos y patatas fritas, or sandwiches and french fries, for dinner. They were delicious!

Now we're at the hostel, all exhausted from the day of travel. I'm definitely ready to catch some z's... placement tests start at 9:30am tomorrow!


Kayleigh said...

Dear Sally,
I'm going to completely stalk your entire Granada trip. I'm already jealous. I also am a very emotional person and might have teared up at your slideshow!!!! HAVE SO MUCH FUN! :)

Danielle said...

free appetizers with drinks? bring that concept back to the states...