Monday, January 26, 2009


First and foremost, I want to send a huge congratulations to my cousin Arne and his wife Beth for the arrival of their second baby girl! Nina Kathleen Hendricksen was born at 1:53pm today and weighed in at 7lbs 13oz. Everyone is doing great and I cannot wait to get home and see her in May! I'll be sure to post pictures once I get them.

Today marked the beginning of our second week of classes at CEGRI, and it was great to return to the structure of the school week after the weekend (Wow, I never thought I'd say that!). I had grammar and literature this morning and then ate my bocadillo (turkey and cheese... my favorite) during the break before law this afternoon. It was a pretty solid school day, nothing really new to report on the CEGRI-front.

The kids and I had dinner together tonight, which always makes for an entertaining meal. They are so funny! We had chicken noodle soup (which had hard-boiled eggs in it and was amazing) and tortilla espaƱola con espinaca (basically an omlette with spinach... yes, I ate it. I'm growing up!). 

We also planned a trip to Madrid for this weekend which should be a great time! We're going to head up Friday morning and come back Sunday evening. I'm excited to start to travel and get to know Spain better. 

1 comment:

Danielle said...

nina KATHLEEN. what a BEAUTIFUL middle name :) ....take lots of pics in madrid!