Thursday, January 15, 2009

Blogging like it's my JOB

Hahaha posting yet again! I was just so excited and had to share my first Spanish victory!

First of all, let me explain how weird the streets of Granada are. They have NO direction, look like alleys, have street signs on the buildings occasionally... so hard to figure out. But we did our "survival tour" today and I felt like I started to MAYBE feel a little more comfortable. So Betsy and I were STARVING (picky eaters do not eat in Spain) and decided to go to the pizzeria we had found on the tour... and we FOUND IT! We were so excited. Then we ordered in Spanish, got exactly what we wanted, and talked with the waiter a little bit. And then we decided we wanted chocolate really bad, so we went to a bakery by our hostel. We managed to order, tell the woman we wanted to eat inside, and pay the cashier without a problem. SO encouraging! 

The scary part is that we came out and there was a RIOT in the street. It's a protest against Israel and there are probably 400 people of all ages screaming and jumping on cars and burning things, and it's right outside our hostel. It was scary but there was a huge police presence so we felt pretty safe. 

I also need to point out that I've seen why the motto of Granada is "no pasa nada en Granada" (for those who didn't know, "no pasa nada" means "no worries" or "it's not a big deal"). It's such a relaxed atmosphere, which is really cool sometimes and sometimes the American in me is internally looking at my watch and tapping my toe. I'm sure I'll adjust to it, though. The thing that was SO weird for me to see was at the pizzeria, this guy was there with his (adorable) daughter, who was probably three. He sat her on a barstool and was talking with her and then walked outside to have a cigarette and talk on the phone. She just sat there, talked to the workers, they gave her chocolate... That would NEVER happen in the US! 

It's also strange that they number their floors differently. Instead of the ground floor being the first floor, the first floor up is the first floor. So our fourth floor hostel room is actually on the fifth floor... lots of stairs!

Well I think we're gonna be heading out soon, I'll keep everyone posted! Thanks for keeping up with me :-)


Patty said...

Interesting day! glad you got some good food :)

Jill said...

Hi Sally,

My name is Jill and my daughter Ellie is in Ruthanne's class. She told me to check out your blog. In college I studied in Madrid. I am thinking it is nothing like it was so many years ago. We had no email, computers -- just a phone call once a week and snail mail. So much different. Hope you are not too homesick. I had a very hard time eating in Spain. The lady I lived with would make for dinner a gross piece of beef pan fried with tons of salt. I don't like salty things and don't eat beef. Those were so lean times! Have lots of fun and I look forward to reading your blog posts.


Ruthanne said...

Yay!! I love your blog. I'm so excited that your 'blogging like it's your job'. LOL I take tons of weird pictures too. I never knew what to do with any of them until I found the blog world. Now I can post whatever pics I want and other people have to look at them. :)
Keep all the pictures coming!! (although I could have done without the pic of your airplane food. that looked nasty)