Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Long Wednesday and Pictures of the Piso

Maria and Carlos
My closet... Dane's T-shirt displayed where I can see it every day :-)
My nightstand and bed (haha yes, I brought my stuffed polar bear to Spain. As Kate Gosselin would say, it's my "comfort item")
Lobby of the apartment building
My building from the street... I'm the balcony above the one with the plant
My street (Camino de Ronda)

I realized that I never put pictures on the blog, so I'm going to try to keep adding more :-)

Today was busy! I had class from 11:15-2:45, then ate my bocadillo in the CEGRI computer lab, left with Julia at 3:30 to get to the school we volunteer at by 4:00, then volunteered from 4-6, then walked back to CEGRI for class from 6:30-8:15 and came home to dinner on the table. Crazy!

I did get switched out of my grammar class today. Funny/slightly embarrassing/very humbling story is that I got placed in the lowest level of grammar classes based on my placement test. I would like to defend myself and point out that I was extremely homesick and jetlagged the day we had to take them (our second day here) and the topic for the essay was "write about your trip to Granada". The absolute last thing I wanted to do was relive the whole leaving process (I'm far enough away from it now to admit to all of you that I sobbed through security at O'Hare). So, long story short is that I only managed to squeeze out a few sentences for my essay and my test had teardrop stains all over it (Don't worry! I'm better now!). In any event, my teacher today switched me into the class that I should be in as a Spanish Education major. So now instead of having three classes Monday and Wednesday and one class Tuesday and Thursday, I'll have two classes each day. That'll be a nice change of pace on my busy days.

Volunteering today was so much fun. We played soccer again, and it seriously cracks me up how into the sport these kids are. They know all about it and are all phenomenal players. Today, Ana got frustrated and touched the ball with her hand and all of a sudden ten voices started screaming "¡MANO! ¡MANO!" (Hand! Hand!). They are very, very, very competitive little kiddos. 

Tonight is just a chill night. Going to work on my essay for Literature and rest up for our weekend in Madrid!

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