Sunday, January 11, 2009

Less than 48 hours to go

Hoooooooly cow it's getting close to being time to go!

I think I'm about 90% packed, which is a huge relief. I'm sure I'll get on the plane and have an "OH-NO-I-FORGOT-SOMETHING" moment, but hopefully it will be something small and not something crucial. It's weird not packing things like my cell phone charger, hair dryer, straightener, etc. I think the hardest part about packing so far has been choosing which seasons of Friends to bring! (For those who are concerned, I decided on 6, 7, and 8... I needed to be able to watch Dick Clark New Year's Rockin' Eve, the holiday armadillo, and Joey's interview with Soap Opera Digest. It was really hard not to pack "PIVOT!"). All four seasons of The Office did make the cut, though. My good friend Libby studied in Seville last year and said that watching American movies and TV shows helps curb homesickness at the beginning, so I'm taking her advice and packing my favorites. My room is a complete disaster, but that'll be fixed soon.

The toll packing is taking on my room

All I need-- slippers, shoes, seasons 6-8 of Friends, and peanut butter and crackers

Yesterday was a very productive day. My mom and I did some damage at Target and got me all set, then went to lunch at Ed Debevic's (in Yorktown mall) and got two pairs of good walking shoes.

We did have a minor crisis today when my laptop CRASHED! Thank you, thank you, thank you God that it decided to crash tonight rather than three days from now when my dad isn't there to help me figure out what to do! We're gonna be heading out tomorrow to (hopefully) get me a new one. Everyone keep your fingers crossed that Apple in Oak Brook has them in stock.

Had a great day today otherwise-- lunch with my mom's family at Egg Harbor (minus my cousin Arne and his wife, Beth, and their daugter, Abbie, who are waiting on their second girl to be born any day now!). Then my mom and dad and I went out to Algonquin to have dinner with Matt and his parents at Port Edward, which was a ton of fun and such good food!

Tomorrow's going to be a day of more getting ready, a few errands, and some really tough "see-ya-laters" (I don't do "goodbyes" :-) )


Sarah said...

I'm now an official follower of your blog!! I'm gonna miss your faceeee, don't worry, I will experience you through these blogs.... I am also following jess' blog and I have already been a very faithful reader!! :-) Have a wonderful time girly!!! Love youuu!!

Becky said...

Hope you have soo much fun! I know that you will love it over there and that time will fly by! I will stalk you blog constantly as I don't have TV in Waterloo where I am student teaching. Best of luck and take lots of pictures!!

Patty said...

We just got back from dropping you off at the airport and I still can't believe how much it reminded me of preschool drop off! I am so excited for you and your grand adventure. I can't wait for our first "Calypso calypso!"