Thursday, January 15, 2009

Getting Adjusted

First full day in Granada! It's been an interesting day with lots of ups and downs.

Homesickness set in this morning big time. I woke up for our orientation still so exhausted and starving, just not really feeling all that great. Betsy felt the same way so we went to a bakery next door to get some breakfast because we couldn't find the hostel breakfast. We saw these things in the display case that looked like biscuits so we thought they would be a good call. FALSE. The lady asked us "pescado o carne?" (fish or meat).... uhhhh. They ended up being mystery meat filled pastries, so we ended up having a bottle of water for breakfast. We went to cultural orientation next and it was foggy and gray outside and all I could think about was home. I got a little teary, but Miguel Angel, the director of our program, made me feel better when he got to the part about culture shock. He said that most people start out in the honeymoon phase and start to hate it a month in, but that some people are very reluctant at first and slowly ease in. I'm hoping that's what happens for me.

We took our tests and had a break (so i got a coca cola light... NOT THE SAME AS DIET COKE :-( but still helped me feel better) and then did academic orientation, which made me more calm. I do better when I have a routine, so hopefully once classes start I'll be good. Then I went to lunch with a lot of the girls (like 11 of us) and had half of a ham and cheese sandwich. Julia got something with goat brain in it, but I still think that I was adventurous because I ate the tomato on my sandwich! Baby steps :-)

Now we're getting ready for our survival tour of Granada, where they're going to show us the main things we'll need to know. I'll let everyone know how it goes!


Gina said...

So I'm a huge stalker for reading this, but I can honestly say that I know EXACTLY how you feel. About being homesickness, the food, don't know where to go, everything!! If you ever want to talk about things, we can meet up or just chat! :) I've been here since the beginning of January, and things do get better and easier I promise!!!

MandrĂ¡gora said...

Hi Welcome to Granada!! We hope you enjoy the city and all the nice things that you could do here! If you need some advice don't hesitate in contact us!!