Monday, January 19, 2009

First Day of School

We had our first day of school today! Our school is this really old building (I'm talking 500+ years old) in the middle of town. It's really cute and so different from what I'm used to. 

We had to leave at 8:30 to get to school by 9:00, so I headed out at 8:15 just to be safe. I have no shame and had my map out the entire time, trying to figure out where the heck I was going. It doesn't help that in Spain, a common gypsy trick is to ask people for directions and pickpocket them while they're explaining, so nobody wants to stop and help you. I did end up seeing a lot of police that were conducting traffic, and they were extremely nice and helpful. I also ran into Lisa, Betsy, and Melissa (all on my program) when I was about halfway there, so we walked the rest of the way together. I have a nice walk to school-- it's not too confusing once you know where you're going and I have all well-lit and busy areas to walk in. 

We got our class schedule and mine's pretty nice. I have grammar and literature Monday and Wednesday "mornings" (their mornings last until 3:00pm, though) and law Monday and Wednesday nights and conversation on Tuesdays in the late morning (again, it starts at 1:20). I really like all of my teachers so far. Law seems like it might be tough, but I think I can do it. Our teacher for that is absolutely hilarious-- he's a lawyer from Granada named Sergio. He wrote the book we're using, so he always refers to it as "el libro más importante, más fantástico, y escrito por el hombre más guapo de todo el mundo" (the most important and fantastic book, written by the most handsome man in the world). 

I also got my cell phone today! We've all been on wild goose chases trying to find them but I was finally able to snag one-- yesss! 

I was laughing all day because it's drizzling here (literally a mist) and EVERYONE had their umbrellas open. It never rains in Granada so when it does, everyone freaks out. It's also kind of scary because the streets and sidewalks are all cobblestone or marble. I have trouble walking without tripping on dry concrete, so this was pretty scary! I managed to stay upright, though-- big success!

I'm really missing everyone back home... I'm still trying to grasp the whole "four months in Europe" concept but can't really fathom it, especially because I feel like I've already been here for a month with all of the new things I've experienced. I'm hoping that the classes help the time go by pretty fast-- I miss the US!


Jenny said...

Hi Sally! You think you've got a challenge, figuring out how to adjust to living in Spain.....I had to figure out how to post a comment on your blog! It's taken a couple of attempts, but with your mom's advice, I have finally done it! I'm really enjoying your blog. It sounds like you're settling in nicely and learning so much. Look at all you've accomplished in LESS THAN a week.

Your law teacher sounds like Pawp reincarnated. You know, WGLP..World's Greatest Living Programmer. Love it! It may be your hardest class, but I'll bet you'll learn the most from this guy.

We're all so proud of you. Hang in there!

Sue said...

Hi, Baby Girl!! Don't think of it as 4 months in Spain. Try to live in the moment and savor each experience, which I know you do anyway. You will reflect on this time as a huge chapter in your book. (the book of Sally) In the meantime, know that we are missing you too but trying to focus on the long-term when we will all reunite at Egg Harbor! You are truly loved and missed.

Ruthanne said...

One day at a time, girl. Don't think about the 4 months part...just have fun every single day. It sounds like you're doing a great job of jamming as much into every single day as you possibly can. I'm so jealous of all the things you're going to experience over there.