Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Exciting Day

Today was a pretty eventful and exciting day! I'll go in order from least exciting to most exciting to keep everyone's attention

4.) The internet man came today because Rosario decided to switch providers. She said that the internet was very slow before. I beg to differ. The internet was remarkably fast before and is now kind of dragging. However, I have ZERO room to complain because I am still SO lucky to have WiFi! So as long as I have working internet I will be a happy camper.

3.) My life was changed today when I was introduced to torta de chocolate, which is an incredible Spanish pastry. There's a little pastry stand in the plaza by our school and Miguel Angel raved about the pastries during orientation. I had a little time to kill after I worked out so I decided to give it a shot. HOLY. COW. I can't even describe how good this thing was. It's going to be difficult to make this a "sometimes food" :-)

2.) At our favorite tapas bar, which we have decided to call BA2 (b.a.dos), we made friends with Maho, who works there but was just hanging out tonight. He recognized us from being in there so much and we're totally best friends with him now. We told him about Kam's and how much we love it and how BA2 is our Kam's in Spain. He then proceeded to yell out "THIS IS KAM'S!" in his thick Spanish accent for the rest of the night and threw up the "K" sign for Kam's (I'll post a picture later). SO fun!

1.) The most exciting part of the day. During dinner, Maria started choking on hamburger and bread. After showing symptoms of FBAO (foreign body airway obstruction), I instructed her to stand up and, bracing myself with one foot positioned between hers, gave her five inward and upward J-thrusts to the abdomen using my clenched fist and hand approximately an inch and a half above the belly button. (All of my JEM friends will laugh at this. Everyone else might think I'm a tool. I should explain that when I teach lifeguard certification classes, this is how I have to explain how to give the Heimlich maneuver.) In any event, I gave her the Heimlich and after six abdominal thrusts, she was able to breathe again. This is another why EVERYONE should have basic First Aid and CPR training, as well as have basic knowledge of an AED :-) 

So, that's my exciting day in Spain! Tomorrow I promise to post pictures of the piso and some others that I've taken.


Unknown said...

Sally! So happy I stalked your fb and found your blog. Looks like you are having an amazing time--live it up. We are all so proud of you!!!!! Let me know when you go to Barcelona..I went to some crazy places there. Have a blast!!

Katie said...

Sally!! I am so glad to hear that things are going so much better and that you are so comfortable. I am also so so so proud of your amazing j-thrusting skills :) That was my favorite part of the whole post. Oh JEM and the OBBT....

Miss you!!!

Ms. Focht said...

Holy cow!! You saved her from choking!! You have to feel really great about that!
It sounds like you're getting into a groove. :) Pretty soon, you'll be crying your way back home (you know, because we don't have those chocolate things here. lol)