Thursday, January 29, 2009

2 Weeks of School Down

Allright, just finished the second week of school! I have to say that having class makes Monday-Thursday go by extremely fast. Today was my first day of my new grammar class, too. We're doing a pretty intense study of the differences between the preterite, imperfect, and pluscaumperfecto, so it's challenging but definitely doable. It's going to help me a lot in becoming more confident and fluent with my grammar. The teacher, Julia, is very nice but has no problem being blunt. Today, she had us each tell a story in the past tense and then had everyone discuss each mistake we made and why it was wrong. Also, if you make a minor error when you're talking, she'll stop you and talk you through why what you said was incorrect. It's not like any instruction I've ever had before, but it's definitely going to make me better, which will be extremely beneficial... especially in May when I have to take my proficiency test!

After siesta today, I decided to wander Camino de Ronda a little bit. I needed a few things, so I figured it would be a good time to go get them. I got a converter for my camera charger, flip flops to wear in the shower at the hostel, a clutch, highlighters, a deck of cards, and paperclips. Big day :-) I also decided to venture to the grocery store that's on the ground floor of my building (for those who don't know, I LOVE grocery shopping. Absolutely LOVE it!). It was cool to go in there but definitely made me miss home food. I ended up getting some granola bars for our trip tomorrow... you gotta have bus snacks, right?

Right now, Carlos is sitting on my floor telling me about horseback riding in Morocco and apparently there's something about a door that looks like a tiger (a la Aladdin). I'll make sure to look for that next weekend when we head to Morocco :-)


Patty said...

Have a fabulous time in Madrid!

siobhan said...

Ask your grammar teacher if she ever taught at St. Bernadette school in a past life (and was a nun!). She sounds like one of my old teachers, but those "blunt" ones sure know how to teach! Have fun in Madrid and thanks for sharing your blog with us!
love, siobhan

Pastor Nancy said...

Hi Sally, It's Pastor Nancy from your grandma's church. I spent a semester in Paris my jr. year of college and had a blast. I remember the transition time as being the most challenging, learning to think in French and not just translating took awhile. It was especially slow in having conversation when I had to think through the grammar, verb tenses and vocab all the time. The Madame I stayed with would say (in french, of course), "Just say what you want to say. Then we'll go back and fix it." That was the best advice and most helpful to me in terms of not being afraid of making mistakes. She was so encouraging ---blunt, too, but encouraging! I loved my Art history class the best. What better way to learn Art history than to go through the Louvre, and the Rodin, and the contemporary museums, as well as the cathedrals and such! I hope you have a wonderful experience over there! Peace, Nancy