Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy April :-)

WOOHOOO! We made it to April!! So exciting! I love the first day of the month here. It just makes me feel like I'm making progress and that I've accomplished something, like "I successfully lived in Spain for the ENTIRE month of March." Might sound crazy, but it's the little things haha. 

April should fly by pretty fast, too! I've got Lauren coming TOMORROW (!!!!!!) and we've got our 10-day vacation, and then we'll come back to Granada for two days and when Lauren leaves it's the 14th already! SO nuts! Then I'll have one free weekend, one weekend in London again, another free weekend, then the weekend with the farewell dinner/packing/saying goodbye. Absolutely nuts.

Yesterday was pretty good! Highlights included taking a four-hour nap, getting served an entire frozen pizza for lunch (when I ate a third of it, Rosario came into my room and said she thought I liked pizza and asked if I wanted something else. I explained to her that, yes, I loooove pizza, but there was no way I could eat an entire frozen one), and mysterious hypnotist baby-daddy coming over for dinner. He's actually very nice and we had a long, very interesting discussion about religion. I like having in-depth talks like that because it helps me hone my Spanish. If I have something to contribute, I will want to contribute it, and It's kind of that being thrown into the fire of an intense conversation thing. 

I've got a law test tonight and then it should be smooth sailing for the rest of the week! 


Patty said...

Happy April!!!!
Good luck on your law test.

Gina said...

I feel like it was just yesterday we were saying "It's finally February!!!"

Sue said...

Time does fly whether you're having fun or not! The Olympic committee is in town to check us out. I don't think the other cities have anything to worry about. We couldn't even handle the crowd at the South Side Irish parade this year! Have fun with Lauren and be safe! Love, Susie