Tuesday, March 31, 2009

It's Almost April?!

I cannot BELIEVE it's almost April... I love it! I seriously feel like it was two weeks ago that I was sitting in my piso looking at my iCal and just wanting it to be February SO bad. Time's starting to fly, and I'm really loving it. 

As weird as it sounds, I feel like I enjoy Spain more and more when the end is closer and closer. It's sort of that "okay, I'm going home in six weeks, I know I can make it, and I know that I want to see this and this and this before I leave, so I have to get on it". Maybe that's strange? Not sure! In any event, I'm enjoying the rest of my time here but will be absolutely ecstatic to come home in 41 days!

It seems like almost everyone at CEGRI is hitting their MAJOR homesick wall right now. I thought it happened a few weeks ago (which I blogged about), but this week has been even worse. I'm really glad I hit mine early (ummm... like the first two weeks...) because I feel like I can get a lot out of the last chunk and I know the gist what to say to the people who are really down right now. 

My cousin Lauren gets here on Thursday and I'm so excited to see her! We're doing a mini eurotrip VonderHeide style :-). On Friday, we're going from Granada to London, then going from London to Dublin on Sunday, and then Dublin to the Canary Islands (Tenerife, specifically) on Wednesday, then flying back into Malaga on Sunday and getting a bus back to Granada Sunday night or Monday morning. It should be awesome! I'm hoping that I'll have internet access to put up some blog posts!!

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