Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Things I Will and Won't Miss

So, my friend Gina did this on her blog and I thought it was a great idea so I'm going to copy :-)

-My host family. I was really, really, really blessed being placed in this homestay. God was looking out for me.
-The walking! I loooove that it takes me a half hour to walk to school and a half hour to walk home. The exercise is great and it's really fun to people watch
-Tapas bars. Seriously, where else in the world can you go and get free dinner with your drinks?
-Alé from BADos. Alé was just one of the best Spaniards we met here. Such a great guy, always looked out for us, so welcoming to our visitors, knew our orders, always handing out the free chupitos.
-Tortilla Española, or Spanish potato omelette. SO tasty!
-Being able to people watch at any time of the day. People are always in the streets and it's so fun to watch how they live
-Fountains everywhere! There's just something really cool about all of them
-Sra. Pan, the lady who sells tortas de chocolate
-Listening to Spanish people try to sing American songs (i.e. Carlos' version of "Stayin' Alive" or Rosario's (male) friend's version of Beyoncé's "If I were a Boy")
-Siesta! How it's perfectly acceptable to take a nap in the middle of the day
-The weather!! It's soooo nice
-Being able to see the Sierra Nevada on my walk to school
-My CEGRI friends, but I'll still get to see them all the time back home <3

-Being woken up every morning by Carlos crying. I still can't figure out what he's screaming about, but it's a daily occurrence
-Not having control over when or what I eat! It's really nice to have someone cook for you, and Rosario cooks very well, but it's frustrating having no control
-Julia, the grammar teacher
-Having to download TV shows off of iTunes
-How sloooooooowly people walk. Seriously, molasses in January. These people just stroll everywhere. I get that they're just laid back and are enjoying their walk, but I walk with a purpose! The worst? Older couples who hold hands and walk like that. You can't get around them!
-The fact that cars honk CONSTANTLY here. If there is a traffic jam, you can bet that 85% of the cars will be laying on their horn. 
-And, of course, being this far away from the people I love. I've always been a pretty ooey-gooey-I-love-my-family-and-friends-and-boyfriend-la-la-la kind of girl, but being separated for this long has really made me realize that it doesn't matter where you are, it just matters who you're with. I'm SO lucky to have made such great friends here and I'm not trying to minimize that at all, but being away from everyone back home has just been tough! Thinking about all of the reunions I get to have (SO SOON!) is so exciting.

-Seeing everyone!! This is the longest I've gone without seeing my mom in my whole life! It's just going to be so great to see all the people I've missed so much.
-American food!
-DRIVING! I haven't driven in 4 months!!
-Kam's (both going there for fun and working!)
-Meeting Nina! I have a whole new family member.... crazy!
-My week at school after I get back
-Being able to spend Mother's Day with my fam
-Hot, good showers for as loooong as I want
-My own bed
-Being able to lay on the couch and watch TV!

This is a great city and it has been one of the best study abroad experiences I could have asked for, but I'm definitely counting down the days until all of those things! Can't wait to see everyone :-) It's getting closer and closer

1 comment:

Patty said...

Loved your post. Love you and cannot wait til you are home!