Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hanging out with 1,700 of my closest Spanish friends...

So yesterday was the big party for Granada students that Vega invited us to. Oh. My. Gosh.

Let me start by saying that it was definitely one of the best cultural experiences I've had so far. It was a really cool insight into the lives of 18-23 year olds in Spain. 

So, Breezy, Vega and I met up at 11:30am to go to this party. We had to wait at a gas station for a guy to come and sell us our tickets for the party, and once we got our tickets we went to the Hipercor (a big store) to wait for the bus to come pick us up. I expected there to be maybe 200 people there. Nope. 1700. One thousand, seven hundred people all waiting to get on busses to travel 20 minutes to a discoteca for this party. It was a madhouse! 

People were literally elbowing each other in the face to get on the busses. It was like sorority/fraternity barndances on steroids. Vega, Breezy, and I all locked hands in an attempt to stay together, but we were bombarded so fast that we lost each other for a few minutes... very intense! We ended up realizing that we were either going to get trampled trying to get on a bus or were going to have to wait three hours to get on one, so one of Vega's friends told us to follow him. He said he was going to call a taxi for us. After about five minutes on the phone, he told us he couldn't get a taxi but his grandpa would drive us. We got a ride to a discoteca in the middle of an olive field from this guy's grandpa. I love Spanish people.

So, we got to this discoteca (in the shape of a castle) and it was HUUUGE! It turns out it is the biggest disco in Andalucía (the region we're in). And the place was absolutely mobbed. It was wall-to-wall people, all dancing and singing and drinking and talking. 

We hung out with Vega, her brother Ezekiel (pronounced: eh-thee-KEEL), his girlfriend Laura (pronounced like Lawry's Steakhouse with an -uh at the end instead of the -ees), and all of their friends. Everyone was so nice and welcoming and we got to do a LOT of Spanish practicing! 

All in all, it was a really fun day and a really good experience. I'm so glad I got to see a party from the perspective of a Spanish person... Breezy and I were probably the only two Americans in the whole place and we felt like we were fitting in well. Usually, we all get targeted as Americans and are subject to people coming up to us and going "oh my GAWD" (seriously, happens all the time. Very clever.), but this time we were totally blending in. It was such a cool perspective to have for a day. Check out this video of the madness: 

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