Monday, March 16, 2009

Adventures at La Caixa

So, the big event of the day yesterday was getting Real Madrid soccer tickets for Sunday's game!! Aaaand it was an event.

So, background. Breezy, Alli, and I have been talking about getting tickets to this game since the very beginning of study abroad. All of our boyfriends will be in that weekend, and we figured it would be so fun to take them to. Plus, Matt is really into European soccer, so I was taking him regardless. So Matt and I have been researching this for two months, and we figured out that the most secure way to get tickets is to wait until they go on sale (a few days before the match) and then buy them at La Caixa, a bank that has automated ticket selling machines (kind of like ATMs).

So yesterday was the day the tickets went on sale. They went on sale at 10, and Breezy and Alli had class until 10:45, so the plan was that I was going to stalk the La Caixa machines and call them if it looked like we were going to have a problem getting them. So, I check at 10... 10:05... 10:15... 10:30... 10:40... and I'm thinking that we're not going to have any problem at all. It was telling me that there were TONSSS of seats left. So, we all meet at school, walk the two blocks to the machine, and try to buy our tickets. Every time we would find sections with available tickets, they would be sold out. We would try to get one ticket in a section that said it had 51 tickets, and we'd get the little red exclamation point in a triangle that haunted my dreams last night and it would say "entradas agotadas" (tickets sold out). 

At this point, we're all on the verge of tears, just trying so hard to get these tickets and getting so frustrated. I ran back to school and used the internet to try to see if I would have better luck trying online, and Breezy and Alli kept trying at the machine. After an hour of me freaking out in the computer lab and Breezy and Alli yelling at the machine, crying to three different Spaniards, and running across town to use another machine, we GOT them!!! Tickets magically opened up in one section, and all six of us (Breezy, her boyfriend Chris, Alli, her boyfriend Matt, Matt, and I) are going to the game! We are SOOOOO excited!! The hour and a half of stress was totally 110% worth it... it's gonna be awesome! 

Happy Birthday, Mar Mar!!! I love you!


Sue said...

And I complain about StubHub! Great persistence, Sal! Enjoy your St. Patrick's Day. MarMar will be thrilled to receive birthday wishes from Spain! Love, Susie

Gina said...

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who was stressed out when buying tickets :)

siobhan said...

I am glad you got tickets! Can't wait to read your blog on the match.