Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bonjour. Oui oui. Ooh la la. Croissant. Merci.

I'm practicing the five French words I know before my tomorrow :-)

Just wanted to check in really quickly before my trip to Paris! I probably won't be able to blog again until Monday, but I promise to make it a good one!

The Bachelor was ridiculous. Jason Mesnick, I rooted for you ALL of last season on The Bachelorette. I teared up when DeAnna broke your heart. I was SO excited when they said you were going to be the new Bachelor. And you BLEW IT! Two words: scum. bag. (Yeah, I know that's really one word but it's more dramatic like that). I AM ecstatic, however, that Jillian has officially been named the new Bachelorette!! ABC really knew how to welcome me home-- Jillian's installment of The Bachelorette premieres May 18, exactly one week after I get back :-) It will be really nice to get to watch this season at home, on a TV, with my parents. We love watching the show together and tend to get really invested in it. Last summer was HUGE because The Bachelorette (with DeAnna) and Legally Blonde the Musical: Search for the Next Elle Woods were on back to back on Monday nights. Amazing.

For everyone at U of I, have a really good, safe Unofficial weekend. I wish so much that I could be there with you guys!! It's making me miss you all even more than I already do! Be smart, be safe, and have fun. And remember, in the words of Patty VonderHeide circa 2008, "It's a marathon, not a sprint."


Patty said...

Don't know another French word...souffle.
Have a great time in Paris! What a bonus that you are going to meet up with Meghan and Dr. and Mrs. Hartsell and Carolyn.

Patty said...

Okay, we are going through Sally withdrawal!!! Anxious to hear all about Paris and the fun you had. Thanks for the email about your evening with the Hartsells. They are AWESOME! Love them.
Travel safely.

Sue said...

The pictures of Paris are fabulous. What an adventure you are on! I love telling people, "My niece is in Rome. My niece rode a camel in Morocco. My niece is going to Ireland and Greece." We all await your entries with great anticipation. Take care! Love, Susie