Friday, March 20, 2009

Fiesta de Primavera

So today has basically consisted of me trying to distract myself from freaking out all day about the fact that Matt's getting on a plane in, oh, an hour!! I just seriously can't even begin to explain how excited I am! :-)

I spent the day walking around the city and window shopping. One of the things I love about Granada is that there are so many tiny side streets that you can walk for hours and still have so much to see. I got a manicure and pedicure, too! I am always the girl who messes up a manicure the second its done, and today was no exception haha. I went to dig through my purse to pay as soon as it was done and, of course, ruined the nail polish on one hand. The lady was so nice and literally pushed me back into the room to re-do what I had just messed up. After she was nice enough to re-do my entire left hand, I tipped her and then left, only to drop my phone as soon as I got out of the salon and wreck the same hand picking it up haha... no pasa nada!

After my appointment, I came back to the piso for lunch and to say goodbye to Rosario and the kids for the week. They're at the beach with their dad and are so excited. Carlos came in to say goodbye and was showered and wearing a brand new outfit because "vamos a quedarnos en un hotel de cinco estrellas" ("we're going to stay in a five-star hotel"). That kid is too funny!

Alli and I met up to go to the fiesta de primavera this afternoon. Fiesta de primavera is the celebration of the first weekend of spring and basically consists of EVERYBODY in Granada under the age of thirty gathering in one part of town (which happens to be right by us) to drink and relax and enjoy the nice weather. It was a really cool cultural thing to see. I took some good pictures that I'll post later. We then just walked around and got schwarma for dinner. The best analogy I have is schwarma : Granada :: cheap pizza places : Champaign. There are schwarma places EVERYWHERE, especially in our part of town, which is right by the University. I had never tried it, but it was good! It was basically a chicken wrap put on the grill and served hot... delicious!

Now I'm just doing some last-minute stuff and getting ready to meet Alli to get on the bus to Madrid! I can't believe it's today!!


Patty said...

Oh isn't spring wonderful??? Enjoy your visit with Matt!

Patty said...

Ummmm hello? We are missing your posts! Glad you are having a fun week!

siobhan said...

I'm missing your posts too! Can't wait to hear how Matt's visit went and how about the soccer match.