Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Three Weeks In

Well, today marks the three week anniversary of my arrival in Granada. In some ways I feel like I've been here a year, and in some ways I look back and say ¨wow, that was already two weeks ago?¨ I think that time is going to start picking up pretty fast and I'm sure when May 11 rolls around I will have felt like the time flew by.

Yesterday was very exciting because I got a care package from home! It was so exciting to have a little taste of America (literally, a taste... I'm doing some major damage on the Mini Chips Ahoy!) It was a great pick-me-up and I'm still having fun looking at everything. The best is that my parents included a birthday gift for Maria (two books-- one on Hannah Montana and one on the Jonas Brothers). She was SO excited! I thought back to myself at her age and realized that if someone from England had sent me a book about the Spice Girls, I would have been freaking out, too. She's already used the stickers to decorate her school supplies and a poster of the Jonas Brothers is hanging on her wall.

I also decided to try out a pilates class at the gym last night. I kept chickening out and decided to bite the bullet and try it-- who cares if I look dumb, I never have to see these people again! It ended up being so much fun and a great workout. I felt so accomplished afterwards-- I had gone into a place where I was the only American and kept up with the instruction. My ear for Spanish has improved tenfold since getting here, and my verbal skills are catching up slowly but surely.

Tonight, I think we're going to try to plan out some of our other little weekend trips. I think we're going to try to go to Greece for our second break and I want to make it to London, Paris, and Sevilla for weekend trips. Also in the cards are Morocco for this weekend, Rome when my dad comes (he gets here two weeks from tomorrow!!), and two more trips to Madrid when Matt's here (which is next month!). There is also talk about going to Lagos, Portugal when it gets nice-- the beaches are supposed to be amazing!


siobhan said...

Love reading your blog, Sally! Glad to hear that spanish is getting easier. I am totally impressed that you were able to understand the Pilates instruction--it's tough to do with English instruction! All the weekend trips that you have planned sound wonderful!!!! love, siobhan

Sue said...

Your blog is fabulous! Marmar said to tell you that she lives to read your online journal each day. We all miss you! When we met Nina last Sun., we told her all about you. She will be very interactive by the time you get home. Everyone who was there said they read your blog faithfully. Stay strong and keep learning! Love, Susie

Mrs. N said...

It is wonderful to see and hear you in your first vlog. Your interaction with Carlos reminds me of why Johnny and Maddie always think that Sally and Fun go together. I will have the kids check out all of your great photos and stories! Great Job Sally!
Mrs. Naisbitt