Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Dad's on his way!!!

I CANNOT believe that my dad's on his way to Granada right now!! This is SO exciting! I absolutely cannot wait to see him!

I've been telling Rosario and the kids that he's coming and they're very excited, too. Rosario told me that she can tell how excited I am and made us cheeseburgers for dinner to celebrate. Normally when we have cheeseburgers, we don't have buns (Spanish cheeseburgers don't have them), but today she went to a special store to get hamburger buns to make the meal more American. My favorite was Carlos' reaction "SON EXACTAMENTE COMO LAS DE BURGER KING" ("they're exactly like the ones at Burger King"). I asked Rosario if it would be ok if my dad came over to meet the family and see the piso, and she got more excited than I've seen her the whole time I've been here. She immediately asked me what he likes to eat and drink because she wants to cook us dinner. I'm so excited that my dad will get to see all of this and try some of Rosario's cooking.

1 comment:

Sue said...

I'm not sure who is more excited about the visit-you or your dad! I know he is so anxious to see you. Have a great visit with Jackson and keep us in the loop. Love, Susie