Friday, February 13, 2009

65 and sunny :-)

GORGEOUS day in Granada... those are the Sierra Nevada mountains in the background

We are finally getting that great weather that they promised us! After literally a month of cold and rainy days (every day), the past two days have been in the 60s and BRIGHT sunshine! It's been so great! Today, I slept in, lounged around, and then went on a walk around the city (sans coat!), shopped, and explored. It was one of those days where I had to take a step back and realize how cool it is to be here. 

In other news... MY DAD COMES ON WEDNESDAY! I'm SO SO SO excited to see him and to be able to show him around Granada (and we're going to go to Rome, which is a city I've always wanted to see). It should be an AWESOME week! I just can't even put into words how excited I am. I love my dad!

I went out last night with Breezy, Alli, Kristin, and Sarah and had an AWESOME time! We're gonna go out again tonight and then we're all going to get Telepizza (Spain's fast food pizza) tomorrow for Valentine's Day. It should be a great weekend!


Patty said...

I am a little jealous about the good weather! It snowed a little this morning...again.
Happy Valentine's Day!

Marmar said...

Happy Valentine's Day!! I love your blog! I'm so happy you have access to all these new experiences. Please say hi to the Pope for me! I love you and I miss you. Marmar