Saturday, February 21, 2009

Pictures from the Vatican

St. Peter's Square at sunset
Me in front of St. Peter's tomb in the Basilica
My dad and I in front of St. Peter's Square
Raphael's School of Athens
My dad in front of the Holy Year Door, which is only opened every 25 years (every Jubilee year). We decided we're coming back in 2025 to walk through it.

Here are some pictures of the trip to the Vatican to tide the blog over until I can write a full blog entry :-)


siobhan said...

Hi, Sally! Looks like you and your dad are having a great time in Rome! Maybe we will see you next week in Paris. Meghan knows some creperies that sell nutella crepes.

love, siobhan

Elizabeth said...

ahhhh I bought my first gucci(a belt) at the Gucci store by the Spanish steps too!!!
Missing you<3